Carbocation | Reaction Intermediate |

Carbon bearing positive charge ( C+). They have 6 e– s in its vanalce shell. i.e, incomplete octet state. They have tendency to accept a pair of electrons, thus they act as electrophile. They are from by the heterolytic cleavage. C – atom is in SP2 hybridized state. The geometry of carbocation is planar. They … Read more

Bond Cleavage or Bond Fission | Reaction Mechanism |

Breaking the covalent bond of the compound is called bond cleavage/bond fission. Two types : Homolysis or Homolytic bond fission Also called Symmetrical cleavage or non-polar bond cleavage . In this , bond is broken in such a way that each resulting species gets its own electron. Bond cleavage occurs between atoms having nearly equal … Read more

Hyperconjugation | Reaction Mechanism |

This effect is also known as the Baker Nathan effect or the Anchimeric effect or No Bond resonance or σ – π conjugation. Whenever there is an alpha – ( C – H ) bond with respect to C = C, C+ , C. , sigma electrons, etc bonds becomes delocalized due to overlapping of … Read more

Electromeric Effect | Reaction Mechamism|

It is the temporary effect in which displacement of pi-electron and lone pair of electron takes place in the presence of attacking reagent is called the electromeric effect. if the attacking reagent is removed from the field of reaction, the field-effect is destroyed so this effect is called the temporary effect. The electromeric effect occurs … Read more