1. State: The lower member of alcohols are usually colourless liquids whereas higher members are usually colourless and odourless solids. 2.Solubility: Alcohols are soluble in water. This is due to the hydroxyl group in the alcohol, which is able to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules and their decline solubility is due to the increase in … Read more

Distinction of Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols by Victor Meyers Method

Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols can be distinguished by the following methods: 1.Victor Meyer’s Method   2. Lucas’s test 3. Oxidation Test 1. Victor Meyer’s Method: This is the well-known method to distinguish 1⁰, 2 ⁰ and 3 ⁰ alcohols by using different reagents and colour formation. Firstly, given alcohol is treated with red P4 and … Read more

Molecular Propellers | Bsc | Msc Organic Chemistry

Molecular propellers are a kind of atropisomerism involving substances. They are called molecular propellers because of their analogy with the propellers of airplanes or boats. Molecules of this type consist of two or more subunits. They may be single atoms or a combination of atoms. The term molecular propeller is not confined to cases where … Read more

Introduction | Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones |

Important bio-molecule’s . Are the main source of energy Required for metabolic activities. Plants are about 30 times richer in carbohydrates than in animals. Also known as saccharides because of many of carbohydrates of small molecular weight have sweet taste. The latest definition is,  “ Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones and their derivatives or … Read more

Molecular Propellers | Stereochemistry |

are a kind of atropisomerism. called molecular propeller because of their analogy with the propellers of airplanes or boat molecules of this type – consist of two or more subunits. – radiating from the axis of rotation – which my be single or combination of atoms. if the blades or subunits are identical in structure … Read more

Find Oxidation number of Atom

Calculate the oxidation number of phosphorous in H3PO4. let us consider the oxidation number of phosphorous to be x. also, we know that the oxidation number of hydrogen is +1 the oxidation number of oxygen is -2. (+1) × 3 + x + (-2 ) × 4 = 0 +3 + x – 8 = … Read more

Finding the oxidation number of atom.

Q. Calculate the oxidation number of Sulphur in K2S2O3 and SOCl2. Let the oxidation number of S in K2S2O3 be x. also, we know that the oxidation number of potassium is +1 and the oxidation number of oxygen is -2. Applying the rule, (+1) × 2 + (x) × 2 + (-2) × 3 = … Read more

Mass Spectroscopy | BSc & MSc

Mass spectroscopy is not a true spectroscopic technique because the absorption of electromagnetic energy is not involved in any way, although the output from the instrument has all other spectroscopic characteristics. In this spectroscopic technique, organic molecules are bombarded with electrons and converted to highly energetic positively charged ions, which can break up into smaller … Read more

Williamson’s Ether Synthesis | Organic Chemistry |

Alcohol in reaction with active metal sodium gives sodium alkoxide. sodium alkoxide on reaction with an alkyl halide gives ether. It is known as Williamson’s ether synthesis helps to synthesize aliphatic, aromatic, symmetrical, unsymmetrical ethers. ROH + Na         =                    RONa + ½ H2 RONa + R – X      =                R – O – R + NaX RONa … Read more

Electrophiles | Nature of Reagents |

These are called electron-loving species. Are electron deficient species or electron acceptor is electrophile. It is of two types Charged electrophile (E+ ): Positively aharged species in which central atom has incomplete octet. E.g, H+ X+, NO+, R+, Fe2+ Note: All cations are charged electrophiles except cations of IA, IIA group elements, Al3+ and NH4+ … Read more